Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Book for Reluctant Readers

Material from a previous blog:

Has your son every told you he did not want to learn to read?  Afterall, boys have more important things to do like saving princesses, defending forts, digging trenches, planting crops, catching wild game, the list goes on & on.  Here is a great short book for you to read aloud to him. 

Prairie School by Avi

This is the story of a nine year old boy living on the prairie in 1880.  He is a good boy & a hard worker & he has more important things to do than learn to read.  "Reading is as much use on the prairie as the stars!"  When his aunt come to visit she gradually helps him see that if he learns to read he can "read the world."  It’s a great short book, especially for little boys, who can’t quite see the value in spending time on letters & such!

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