Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Workboxes at Work

Material from a previous blog:

I enjoy sharing about our workbox adventures with all of you because I know it is a topic that a lot of homeschoolers are interested in or trying to implement.  I am using the workboxes today in a way that I have never used them before so I wanted to let you know how it was going!

We have been out of workbox school for 6 days now while we took a wonderful field trip to the coast (look for a post on that soon!)  I must admit that when we get out of the regular groove at home getting started back is the hardest thing for me!  I have about 10 loads of laundry that need to be done, a backlog of farm emails & chores that must be done, & lots of putting away to do- so I took F9′s advice! 

F9 suggested to me on the day we were packing that I just give them a day with not many "Work with Mommy" boxes.  I did not take him up on that day but today my 3 oldest sons are doing thier workboxes solo.  I included no WWM boxes.  Now please know that this is NOT the way to do workboxes all the time!!!  One of the joy of the workbox system is to have individual time with each child scattered throughout the day.  However, on a day like today- when you really want to get school done but you are overwhelmed with _____ (you fill in the blank- new baby, unpacking from trip, sick child, etc.) -this is a viable option.

My children have been doing workboxes for 2 months now so they are well accustomed in the routine of workboxes.  You certainly would not want to do this when they were just learning the system.  And again, I stress that you don’t want to make this the normal way your school operates because the children are definately not receiving the instructional supervision that I think is crucial.  Most importantly, you are not actively involved which is one of the greatest reasons to homeschool (in my opinion)-to be learning & having fun with your little lambs!  But so far today it has been a success for us.  I am able to get some things done that must be done & am available to answer questions but for the most part they are managing themselves in a productive & orderly fashion.

Just another way you can make workboxes work for you!

material from a previous blog

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