Tuesday, October 4, 2011

How "Get REAL & Homeschool!" began...

I have been homeschooling my children their entire lives.  Officially, & according to the BOE that has been  7 years.  I have created a blog once before, mostly for selfish reasons.  I have a dream of being a writer & quite honestly the blog is the easiest way to have your writings published.  You can even sucker a few good friends into following it & then you have a reader following!  That blog lasted about a year & got nominated for a new blog award (of which I was immensely proud.)  Then I quit blogging for several reasons- the main one being the REAL world.  You see I have 5 children ages 11 & under...do I need to say more?

How did I go from there to here?  One of my passions is helping other women homeschool.  Common things I hear are: "How do you do it all?"  "You are so talented, it's easy for you."  "I could never do that." In addition to encouraging other women, I love to read other homeschool Mom's blogs & share their great ideas- why reinvent the wheel.  There are several blogs that I follow regularly & I often leave their blog thinking, "how do they do it all?"  Well, it's had my husband & I discussing how great it would be if there was a blog about REAL homeschooling.  This is not to discredit those blogs where they do unit studies on apples & everything in their house is magically transformed to Appleland.  You know, their kids write their spelling words on apple shaped paper, they do math problems about picking apples, they visit an orchard that week, they process & can 100 gallons of organic apple juice, make homemade apple pies for the homeless, and on, and on.  I love those blogs.  I'm sure those women are all that & a bag of apples!  I just think if I leave their site going, "oh, my gosh..." how does Betty Lou Having A Bad Day feel when she leaves their sites?  The idea for this blog was born.

I will once again be a published writer (yeh me!) & hopefully you will be encouraged.  On this blog I hope to post things we are doing in school- really cool things that worked out great & ideas that just flopped.  I'll share places that I go for inspiration & ideas.  I'll blog about our lives & doing it all.  I'll talk about organization, curriculum, temper tantrums, educational philosophy, & basically anything I want.  I will get on my soapbox & share my views & through it all I will be REAL!

Please do not misinterpret being REAL for being sorry.  I have very high expectations for myself, my children, & YOU.  Parenting & homeschooling your children is the greatest calling you can have & I don't take it lightly.  However, I do think in our modern world of knowing what everyone else is doing in their school down the street we spend way too much time wishing we could be like them & not nearly enough time being the best ME God made me to be.  So here's to each of you & being REAL.  My prayer is that through this blog I can encourage you to be the best REAL you that you can be!

Welcome, & if you find my blog & like it please tell your friends about it.  I'd just love it if all us REAL Moms got together & made this blog insanely popular- maybe then I could write a REAL book!

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