Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Disclaimer: What not to expect from this blog

I'll be 100% honest when I say that I am not sure exactly what this blog will become.

We all like to dream with our children about what they will be when they grow up.  I remember what I wanted to be..(in order)... a Mommy, a teacher (hey, got the first 2!), first female President, a lawyer, a judge, a preacher, & a professional football player.  I always tell my children that one way to decide what you will do when you grow up is to eliminate the things you will not do.  For example, it was easy for me to eliminate professional football player as I got older, even though I still loved football.  In that spirit I hope I can narrow down what this blog will be by telling you some things it will not be.

1. It will not be the "how to homeschool website."  By this I mean: My prayer is that reading my site will help you learn to homeschool better.  However, I do not believe that anyone can teach you "how to homeschool!"  It is something you have to figure out yourself, for your family.  I hope to write some about educational philosophy & how to use it (as well as all of the "how to do this system" books we buy.)  Most homeschooling moms I meet are looking for a magic book or website to tell them exactly what to do.  It does not exist, so stop looking.  What a relief!

2. It will not have tons of great printables or activities to download.  But I will add some links to some of the many sites that have an awesome selection of those things!  There are so many out there already who do a much better job than I ever could with that type of thing.  RealHomeschoolMom will have great ideas of how to do learning with the things you already have or can get very easily.  And I will share neat resources that you might want to consider adding to your homeschool as your budget allows.  I will not assume that your husband is the CEO of a fortune 500 company & you have money to burn.  So far I don't have anyone sending me great free stuff to try & review!

3. I sincerely hope that RealHomeschoolMom will not be a site that makes you feel like you are not doing a good job, that you are not smart enough, that you don't have enough time, etc.  I firmly believe that God gave you your specific children for a reason & that both of you have something to teach the other.  Homeschooling is a great laboratory to make that happen!  I want to encourage you & give you ideas that make you say, "YES!"

4. This will not be a site where I show you my immaculately cleaned & decorated house- again, far better sites out there for that!  In fact from time to time I will post pictures showing just how bad it gets in the trenches!  Just to keep it REAL.

5. This will not be a site that you will receive posts to daily.  Some of these bloggers post multiple times a day.  As my HH (hot hubby) says, "when do they actually homeschool?"  So go ahead & subscribe, I hope to post 2 time a week, maybe more in the beginning as I have a backlog of creative juices.

If you were making a blog for REAL homeschool Moms what would you want or not want?  Send me your ideas.

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