Sunday, November 1, 2009

This is going to hurt me more than it hurts you...

Material from a previous blog:

The other day I was trying to explain this old saying, handed down from generation to generation of parents, to F9.  Tonight I got to refresh my own memory of what it means.

As we were getting ready to tuck in all the boys F9 looked in his treasure chest (his tiny few inches of private space in a room he shares with 2 brothers) & realized all his money was missing.  It took a few lines of questioning before L4 admitted that he had taken his brother’s money & put it in his own box.  I was devestated.  Just last week we had an issue of taking from each other’s boxes & had discussed with L4 the grave severity of not being trustworthy & taking things that do not belong to us.

By God’s divine wisdom & grace towards me, my HH walked in the back door as L4 & I were headed to the bathroom to discuss his offense.  HH took over for me & I know it was God’s hand because there is no way I could have done what had to be done.  In our home the consequence for stealing is asking for forgiveness & double restitution.  After discussing his offense with HH in the bathroom L4 came back to his room eyes swollen & heart broken.

He tearfully got out his own box & with HH’s help turned every penny he had over to F9 as restitution!  It broke my heart too!  L4 is the most loving & gentle child I have ever seen & to see his little eyes swollen with tears as he gave away all his money was more than I could have beared alone.  E6 must have been heartbroken too because he got out of bed & went to his box & gave L4 $5 of his money in honor of L4′s courage & honesty in admitting his offense!

I love my boys so much!  And I know that consequences that don’t sting a little won’t be remembered.  I hope L4 will remember tonight & I thank God that he made little boys to have a Mommy & a Daddy.  I don’t know if I could make this trek alone like my Mom did.  Thank you Lord for godly men & please Lord, make my 4 boys be godly too!

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