Wednesday, November 4, 2009

History Fair

Material from a previous blog:

This week has been CRAZY for our family.  Smack dab in the middle of it we had our local homeschool support group’s History Fair.  Usually we would not take on extra activities during this time of year since we also started making wreaths this week & are preparing to harvest Christmas trees BUT our boys (& our entire family) love history so much & we believe public speaking is such a vital skill that we couldn’t pass this up.
F9 did his presentation on D-Day, on which he is an unofficial expert!  He did this presentation 100% by himself including his display board, deciding what he wanted to say, & memorizing the speech Eisenhower gave the troops just before the invasion (which he used as his opening.)  We were very proud of how well he did in preparing for this event & his love of WWII history.
E6 did his presentation on Cherokee Indians who are the American Indians who lived in the Appalachian mountains (where we live.)  Here he is posing with his display table which was the most beautiful there (in my humble opinion!)  E6 is ALL about the costumes & accessories!  He made the small fringed bag at his side & we worked really hard (well, I worked really hard-he supervised) on the rest of his costume.  He really had a great time & makes quite the little pale faced Indian!  I so love the way he enjoys dressing up & gets excited about all that stuff because I love costumes & dressing up too & F9 is way too serious & practical for that sort of thing!

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