Saturday, September 5, 2009

My plans OR God's plans

Material from a previous blog:

I am a planner-100%.  I love to plan.  I love a list of things to do, a list for how I might do each one, a list for the order I will do them in, a list of the supplies I need, etc.  Nothing excites me quite as much as the end of the school year (when I evaluate what worked/didn’t that year & plan what I will change for next year) or the beginning of the school year (when I actually plan exactly how each of those changes will be executed.)  I have used a new set of planning sheets- each designed & printed by me- for every year that I have homeschooled- 5 now.  I fall asleep at night thinking of my plans for this or that.  I just love to make plans.

For the past week I have been getting ready for the start of our school year- we go on the old school schedule where Labor Day is the last hoorah of summer!  When I awoke this morning I had visions of spending my day pouring over more of my plans.  Other plans where on the way.  My husband’s Aunt called to say that she & her daughter & our Grandmother were on their way.  It’s not that I wasn’t happy; I was!  It’s not that I don’t enjoy them or didn’t want to have visitors; it’s just…I HAD PLANS!  I had already planned how the day would go & now it wouldn’t & every morsel of my self-serving flesh was groaning.  Its groans sounded like this, "Why can’t I just do what I want to do?"  "What about ME?"

Those are familiar groans because I live with 9 year old, 6 year old, 4 year old, & 1 year old children.  Those are the very groans they make when anything inconveniences their wants, needs, & desires.  Of coarse when they make those audible groans I promptly chastise them because that is not the Christ like attitude!  Wonder where they learned to groan like that?  I certainly never planned to teach that to them!  No matter, to want our plans does not need to be taught- it is inherited.

Today turned out splendid.  We had such a lovely supper & got to talk & look at scrapbooks & arrange flowers & do nothing.  I spent another day with our Grandmother who is well on in her years & heard some stories I had never heard before.  It turns out God’s plans were better than mine- imagine that!  I think I should plan to teach that to my children.

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